Abstracts: Superbugs at Rio, Brexit Risk to Science, and More
• Drug-resistant “super bacteria” have reportedly been found in the waters of Rio de Janeiro, leading to more concerns about the conditions that Olympians will be competing in this August. (LA Times)

Drug-resistant super bacteria have been found in the waters of Rio de Janeiro, where the Olympics will be held this August. (Visual by Artyominic/Wikipedia)
• Thirteen Nobel prize winners warn that Britain’s exit (Brexit) from the European Union would pose a “key risk” to British science. (BBC News)
• After the removal of a New York dam, herring spawned in a Hudson River tributary for the first time in 85 years. This is just the latest step in a project that has removed 250 dams throughout the U.S. since 2012. (Associated Press)
• Is science stuck at a dead end, producing many flashy — but often wrong — studies? (STAT)
• One third of the world’s population is unable to see the Milky Way at night due to light pollution. (Science News)
• A Chinese man with paralysis wants to undergo the world’s first full-body transplant. But the ethical implications of such a surgery are making even the most liberal surgeons take pause. (New York Times)
• DNA testing is increasingly relied on to solve crime, even as we are learning the limitations of what it can tell us. (The Atlantic)
• Oregon communities say the EPA’s plan to clean up the Portland Harbor Superfund Site using natural recovery doesn’t go far enough. (The Oregonian)
• And finally, “gene drives” are providing researchers with immense power that could change the world — for better or for worse. (Vox)