Thanks for your interest in Undark. Please see below for information on how to pitch a story idea to us.
Please note that Undark is no longer accepting pitches for reported features. We are currently seeking pitches for book-related features under 1,500 words (reviews and excerpts), or op-eds under 1,000 words. If you have an idea for a book review or opinion submission, please use the form below. If you would like to contact an editor, please visit our staff directory.
Pitching Undark
Our editorial team meets to consider pitches once per week, generally on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. EST. If you would like to submit an idea for our publication, please use the form below, keeping our meeting schedule in mind (that is, if you submit an idea on a Wednesday afternoon, it may not get full consideration for another week). You will receive more specific instructions when you select the type of project from the drop-down menu below.
Important: If you have not contributed to Undark before, your proposal must include a brief author bio and clips of, or links to, previously published work.