The Measure of a Fog: Geoengineering
We humans have proven our ability to affect an entire planet’s temperature, albeit unintentionally. Does this mean we have the ability — or the right — to deploy planetary-scale technology to rapidly bring those temperatures back down?
That’s the main idea behind geoengineering, a catch-all term for various technological approaches to quickly rejiggering the Earth’s climate. The potential schemes run the gamut, but are generally divided into two categories: shield the Earth from the sun’s rays (Solar Radiation Management, or SRM), or remove the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (Carbon Dioxide Removal, or CRM).

In this multi-part series, filmmaker Ian Cheney examines the scale of climate change, in all its many dimensions. Click the play button in the video above to view the short documentary.
At this point, with the exception of rogue experiments, most geoengineering is still in the “what if” phase, and the precautionary principle would seem to dictate that we avoid tinkering with something until all of the potential impacts are understood. At the same time, the appeal of geoengineering stems from a pragmatic — and increasingly pressing — observation: Collectively, nations of the world are not taking the necessary steps to curb carbon emissions — at least not as quickly as many scientists believe is necessary.
If carbon continues to collect in the atmosphere unabated, we will almost certainly have to find other ways to offset the harm.
Unfortunately, managing an entire planet’s climate is as hard as it sounds. Take the example of ocean fertilization, which seeks to create algae blooms that would draw carbon out of the atmosphere. According to a recent MIT study, the blooms would have the added benefit of increasing sulfur emissions, which would help reflect some of the sun’s energy back into space. That sounds great, but these emissions would also disrupt rain patterns, leading to potential adverse effects on water resources around the globe.
This mixed bag of potential effects offers just a hint of the staggering complexity of our climate system — the full scope of which scientists still don’t fully understand, even without additional tweaking. How can we predict which regions of the globe will benefit, and which will suffer if we were to, say, inject reflective aerosols into the atmosphere, or increase ocean foam for the same purpose? If we remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, can it be safely stored underground? And can computers reliably model all the potential side effects of such grand-scale endeavors?
The idea of “playing God” has made many observers uncomfortable with even discussing geoengineering. Others suggest that geoengineering distracts us from the task at hand: reducing carbon emissions. Still others suggest that technologies aimed at reducing carbon emissions, like solar panels and electric cars, should be considered a kind of geoengineering — a global scale effort to rein in the rising temperatures.
Whatever the nomenclature, it’s probably worth noting that two centuries of human industry and economic progress have altered the planet’s climate machinery. In that sense, if you eat food, use lights, drive a car, or otherwise take part in our energy-intensive civilization, you’re already a geoengineer. What happens next is a matter of scale — technological, political, and ethical.
After all, who gets to decide, going forward, what the temperature of the Earth shall be?
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It still amazes me how everyone can not see the extra activity taking place in the heavens, particularly when an approaching rain event is forecast. While I repeatedly explain to anyone listening that I receive no monetary aid for my attempts to inform them about Geo Engineering and it’s clearly visible effects on our water resources . Here is one for Un-dark…the San Joaquin River (Calif.)restoration .. how many held hands for that operation to go forth,but I can state it is all entirely a Grand Hoax. Instead of water flows restoring river conditions, which can’t be seen by the public, because of it’s remoteness ,the hundreds of acre feet in promised daily flows actually flow south through the Friant Kern canal to the Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power’s pipes to keep them from going dry for just a little longer.
Weather control? Cloud Seeding? Please check out the U.S. Governments own documents (OPERATION POPEYE)… CLOUD SEEDING definitely not to be uttered on Corporate News sites , the public would prefer it to water rationing …see the article “Return to sender”
…And yet, they continue to rain down on us via “contrails” (LOL) Nano-Particles with high levels of Heavy Metals; Aluminum, Barium, and Gawd Knows what else…Go figure? They have not bothered with getting our consent, we are just convenient little lab rats…Sheep being led to slaughter. Perhaps the fact that we now have a SPACE FENCE (look it up folks, its real!) which needs the atmosphere to be IONIZED in order to work-according to our government, Lockheed Martin (who received a ridiculous amount of our tax dollars to implement this “necessity”) and many scientists whom have signed on to this rarely discussed but now in use SPACE FENCE project. My trees are dying, the bees are dying, I have an unexplained non-genetic auto-immune disease which is said to be caused from over exposure to heavy metals. Hmmmm….When does it end?
Trees do so much more than just store carbon.They absorb co2 and breathe out oxygen. They diffuse the rain and the forest floor absorbs moisture to control the rate of water flow . A mature tree expels about 200 gallons of h20 into the atmosphere per day. On a hot day the forest is at least 10 degrees cooler than out in full sun. Also, the forest, being cooler, slows down the rate of snow melt,allowing alot of the runoff to be absorbed by the forest floor. Oh and spraying is being done here over the okanagan valley in B.C. People here dont believe it, they think that is a crazy conspiracy theory.
I continue to be puzzled by the lack of interest shown by many of the “experts” in utilizing a natural proven geoengineering method – TREES!
“It’s for the future”: Archangel Ancient Tree Archive is cloning the world’s champion trees –
Trees release the CO2 they absorb eventually. Not a permanent solution.
It’s worse than that. Planting trees anywhere that snow falls in the winter is likely to actually *worsen* global warming by causing more winter sunlight to be absorbed rather than reflected into space. (Think of it as solar radiation mismanagement.) Halting/reversing tropical deforestation would be a good thing, though, for many reasons in addition to slowing warming.
Search “bioenergy plus carbon capture and storage” — most IPCC models that appear to provide a path forward for keeping warming below 1.5-2C depend on this dubious proposal
Summer rain Storms fizzle out on al/ga line. Awful drought in northwest ga . Constant spraying 6 days a week