
Abstracts: Big Sugar, Rhino Horn Trade, and More

• New research shows how the sugar industry has influenced research by deciding what questions should be asked — and by shifting blame towards the negative impacts of saturated fat. (Vox)

Two South Africans are trying to change the nation’s rules on trading and selling rhinoceros horns. Visual: Ryan Harvey/Wikimedia Commons

• An accused rhino horn trafficker and the owner of the world’s largest rhino farm want to end the ban on trading and selling rhino horn. (National Geographic)

• Researchers at the University of Seattle have demonstrated the effects of Zika in a baby macaque, the first time they have been seen in a non-human primate. (The Seattle Times)

• On September 3rd, Oklahoma experienced a 5.8 magnitude earthquake, its largest to date. The state’s combination of fault lines and oil and gas industry activity may be to blame. (FiveThirtyEight)

• Hillary Clinton’s recent bout of pneumonia may not be that unusual. Getting sick on the campaign trail is just part of running for president. (STAT)

• The Bureau of Land Management has recommended euthanizing 45,000 wild horses that it has in holding facilities. The horses were originally removed from the wild to make room for cattle. (The Verge)

• Genetic engineering is being explored as a way to stop the spread of diseases like malaria, but researchers have pointed out a major force which might be able to resist this kind of change: evolution. (The Atlantic)

• Space X’s recent rocket explosion is still mysterious, and the company has put future launches on hold. (Forbes)

• And finally, August tied with July for being the hottest month on record since record-keeping began in 1880. (New York Times)

Ian Evans is a science and nature writer living in the Boston area. He earned a bachelors in ecology and evolutionary biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and recently completed a master's degree in Science Journalism at Boston University. Ian is an intern at Undark Magazine for the summer of 2016, where his primary focus will be on nature, environmental science and ecology.